Lighting makes ALL the difference when it comes to photos whether you are a professional or taking photos on your photo at home. Today I want to share with you some behind the scene lighting tricks with you that you can use with your phone or camera!! So get ready for an at home lighting trick for your photos!
Big Window and a White Door
I was taking some photos of a bouquet from the Flower Station. I want to get some detailed photos of it for them and for this blog post. So I set up the bouquet by my big window. Then I took a test shot. You will see in the top photo on the right side there are lots of darker shadows. SO what I did to add some light to the right side was open my white pantry door to use as a reflector to help bounce some light onto the right side of the bouquet! What a difference eh? I use this trick quite often on wedding days, but with whatever object that is white – usually the bride’s wedding dress bag or a sheet. (If I didn’t bring my big reflector.)
Ok, so once I got the light figured out I started to snap away. The second set of photos is “SOOC” or the Straight Out Of Camera left image that is not edited and the final edited photo on the right.
Then the third single photo is a pulled away photo so you can see what this set up looked like father away. A few things to note in this photo:
– The pantry door that is open to be a reflector.
– The big light source, a big window, was to the left.
– I also was using my circle reflector for a few shots and I had that at an angle in the front to add a little more light as it was a grey day. If you want one from Amazon, you can check that out here. (Not sponsored – just love this one with the handle!)
– Paper towel to dry off the bouquet for when I laid the flowers down for a few shots.
– And my camera bag full of different lens to get a variety of different photos (close ups, wide shots, etc)SO there was my thought process or taking these detailed shots of this stunning bouquet!
I do this a lot on wedding days to capture details. But I also do this with the bride and groom when they get ready! So it’s fun to practice and keep my skills up for this coming wedding season!
Biggest Tip – A BIG window!
So the two biggest at home lighting trick is, photograph the subject (this works for still object for wedding details to taking photos of your kids) by a window for the most natural light. (Just not direct sunlight which will cause crazy over exposed parts and squinty eyes.) And the use a white reflector(anything white- pantry door, sheets, blankets, etc) to bounce light back to your subject.
Dod you like behind the scene examples? Check out this blog post from a grad session!
[…] Want an at home lighting photo tip? Check out this blog post! […]