One of my FAV spots in Saskatchewan is the Claybanks Brick Mine out in the canon pits! It is so beautiful and uniquely different for Saskatchewan. I am always sooo excited to get out here, so I was excited when Arianna wanted to come out here for her grade 12 grad session!
We had to reschedule due to weather, but when we finally got out to the Claybanks area, it was so eventful! While we were there it was getting darker and darker and a little storm rolled in half way through our session which made us run to the vehicles! But after a little bit, the rain slowed down and we were able to get back to photos. And by the end, the sun even decided to pop out! Despite the rain, this session with Arianna was picture perfect and will be one of my favs! Her burgundy dress just POPPED off the neutral background.
Arianna is such a beautiful sweetheart! She was up for anything and was so calm even when it started to POUR! (I’m sure she was freaking out in the inside, but you couldn’t tell!) She brought along her wonderful family and her boyfriend to her session. They all made me feel so welcome! We even got to snap a few photos of Arianna’s brother and his girlfriend out there too!
To make this session extra unique, Arianna brought her point shoes for a few photos. And she even kicked off her heals for some very impressive dance moves! She’s amazingly talented!
In the fall, Arianna is going to University of Saskatchewan and is taking Biomedical Science! Smart girl! I wish you all the best and congrats on your grade 12 grad Arianna!