There is nothing quite as special as photographing a growing family! Especially when they are my extended family! Alex is my second cousin once removed so it was fun to get her family in front of my camera this past fall for their maternity/family session in the gorgeous Walkamow Valley down in Moose Jaw!
Kyle, Alex and their daughter was amazing! Little Miss A. was such a sweetie even though it was soooo cold! It doesn’t look cold in the photos but it was freezing! I was dressed up in super warm winter gear and hand warmers in my mitss and these three were super stars to deal with the cold. But we did end up at the Moose Jaw Temple Garden Mineral Spa to warm up and snap a few more photos of Little Miss A when she was warmer.
Fun Fact: Alex and I are cousins! We are second cousins once removed. Growing up I didn’t get to see Alex’s family all that much, but her family has now moved to Moose Jaw and since these photos, I have been able to get to know her and her growing family even more! It’s been so fun how this photography gig has brought us closer. 🙂
So stay tuned for their newborn photo session blog post coming soon. And nope, not going to spoil the beans as to what they had. Girl? Boy? You will just have to wait and see. 🙂