I grew up on a farm south of Radville and have loved going back to visit my parents. And now I love bringing my family there! It’s so beautiful and I wanted to photograph some families in that beauty! This last time I was down I wanted to do some sessions, so I put out a call and Loran jumped at the chance to get her three beautiful kids in front of my camera!
Loran grew up on the farm right beside us so I have seen her grow up! It was so fantastic to see her again and to meet and photographer her kids! All three of them were so sweet! The older two wanted to help give suggestions about what they should do next for me to take photos of. I should hire them! They had some pretty cute ideas! 🙂
In one of Loran’s messages after the session, she mentioned this, “My kids still talk about you. Nathan says “She was so pretty!”” This totally made me smile.
I had such a great time that later this summer/fall I am going to do a mini session weekend back in the Lake Alma/Radville area, so be sure to watch my Facebook page and Instagram page for dates and info!