I love Disney movies! Always have and always will! If I could be one princess it would be Belle! So when I was asked to photograph this years Little Princess Ball, it was a for sure yes! I have photographed the ball for a few years now after attending it for several years with my daughter! And every year I am blown away by the ball and the amount of work that goes into it and how much money they raise with this fundraiser!
This year was the 11th Annual The Little Princess Ball! This magical event is a fundraiser for the Moose Jaw Health Foundation to raise money for a birthing bed in the baby unit. This years theme was Moana and the committee went above and beyond with all the details involved! We will have to way until later this spring to hear what the grand total is.
UPDATE: The total was delivered on July 31, and the grand total is….. $51525.43!!!!! That’s amazing you guys! THANK YOU for all your support!!!!
Every year the decorations just make my jaw drop! From the decorations, to crafts, a program, dance, silent auction, and so much more, everything was just a dream for all the little princesses and princes and their parents! This year the committee had one end of the ball room as land and then the other as the sea! It was so colorful and fun! The stage was decorated as the ocean with Moana’s raft which made the perfect little photo op for the little girls. In another corner they had a huge raft with the coconut characters. And at the other side of the ball room, the Princesses were standing in front of their surf boards, signing autographs and getting their photos taken with all the little princesses and princes’! I could go on but you should just look at the photos instead! 🙂
A huge thank you to all of you who came out and supported this fundraiser for the Moose Jaw Health Foundation! So enjoy this long post with so many beautiful faces, bright colors and with so much love and magic! (I’m already counting the days till the next ball!)

The amazing committee that made all of this possible! Thank you! You guys are amazing and oh so talented!!! (What you can make out of kraft paper, styrofoam, and cardboard is amazing!)

The Fairy Godmother and her very special princess! 🙂

Elsa and Anna are always such a huge hit with the kids!

This year I even got a photo with the princesses! (I’m such a big kid at heart! haha!)

If you made it this far and want to see all the images from the ball check out the details post on Facebook here. Or Sunday’s ball images here.